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At Ellsworth, we don't want tuition costs to keep you from getting a quality education. We work hard to keep tuition affordable, and we offer close to a million dollars in grants and scholarships to our students each year. (This is financial aid that doesn't need to be paid back.) If you focus on your academic success, we'll work with you to make it affordable.

When applying for a scholarship at Ellsworth Community College, students are automatically considered for all applicable scholarships, streamlining the process and making financial support more accessible.

If you would like to be considered for scholarships at Ellsworth, you must complete the scholarship checklist below:

*Note: Transcripts can be emailed to or mailed to:

Ellsworth Community College

ATTN: ECC Admissions Office

1100 College Avenue

Iowa Falls, IA 50126

Sophomores - We have specific scholarships for returning students! You can apply for a Sophomore scholarship by submitting the Sophomore Scholarship Application Form.

CLICK HERE to go to the Ellsworth College Foundation's website. You'll find Endowed Scholarships which you can apply for under the "Endowed Scholarships" tab towards the top of the page.

Bob & Arlene Hamilton Endowed Scholarship

Twenty $5,000.00 scholarships are awarded to those majoring in Agriculture, Animal Science, or Pre-Vet. The deadline to apply is March 14. Don't delay, apply today!


Panther Achievement Scholarship

Ellsworth Community College is thrilled to announce the launch of the "Panther Achievement Scholarship," a new initiative aimed at recognizing and encouraging the enrollment of high-achieving students.

The Panther Achievement Scholarship, valued at $1,000, is exclusively available to graduating seniors (class of 2024) with a cumulative unweighted high school GPA of 3.25 or higher. Upon receipt of the qualifying transcript, students will be notified through a personalized letter, informing them of their upfront scholarship. No additional scholarship application is required. To secure the scholarship, students need to sign and return the award letter to Megan Richtsmeier.

Quick Details of the Panther Achievement Scholarship:

  • Eligibility: Exclusively for graduating seniors (class of 2024), not applicable to transfer students or graduates beyond the upcoming academic year.
  • Requirements: Graduating seniors must have an unweighted cumulative high school GPA of 3.25 or higher. An official copy of their high school transcript must be submitted to ECC after graduation to confirm eligibility.
  • Award Distribution: The scholarship will be disbursed over the Fall and Spring Semesters of the 2024-2025 school year.

Please note: Students who have already been awarded scholarships for the 2024-2025 academic year from ECC will not be eligible for the Panther Achievement Scholarship.

ECC scholarships
for qualified students:

  • Ambassador Scholarship
  • Director's Scholarship
  • Sophomore Scholarship
  • Sophomore Achievement Scholarship
  • Activity & Athletic Scholarships
  • Endowed Scholarships

ECC Endowed Scholarships

Name of Scholarship Requirements
1977 Softball National Champs Softball
Ackerman, Elmer Academic 
Afdahl, Steve & Judy No Restrictions
Ahrends, Merrill & Linda Sophomore in Ag or Education GPA > 2.5
Anonymous Equine 2nd Year Equine Student
Armstrong, Emma Worthy Students
Bartlett, Meade & Phyllis Health Science/Nursing
Benning, Jerry No Restrictions
Boddy, Edna No Restrictions
Bryant, Ida Caine Music; Sing National Anthem at Events or involved in Music in High School
Bryarly, Mary No Restrictions
Burr, Raymond Liberal Arts
Buzzetti Family Endowment STEM students receive a scholarship from the Dr. Ronald D'Orazio endowment
Calkins Workshop Emerson & Velma Calkins Sophomore Conservation Tech; selected by committee of Calkins staff & instructors
Campbell Supply/Cam Spray/Iowa Power Products Preference to employees & family of Campbells employees. 
C. John Campbell Family Freshman must have attempted 16 credits & have GPA of 2.5 or better from Fall Semester.
Cargill, Inc Ag & Renewable Energy
Chaplin, Dorothy Business/Marketing, 2.5 GPA, Iowa grad
Christensen, Magnus No Restrictions
Consolidated Mgmt. Co. No Restrictions
Crawford, Roberta Financial Need/Franklin, Hardin, or Keokuk County
Dittmer, Martin Baseball
Dolan, John & Dee Sophomore, male or female athlete
Dougher, Dorothy & Susan No Restrictions/Exceptional work ethic
Dunlay, Dr. Robert & Barbara Nursing 
Dunn, E. Lucille Academic
E-Club Athlete
Emery, Eric & Janet College/HS GPA of 3.0.  Education major is preferred.
Fejfar, Don & Carol Nursing/Music
Fischer, Bud Men's Basketball
Fisk, Doug Engineering
Fitz Family Sophomore
Foster, Jean Dow  Women; enrich her life
Fuller, Mary/Foster, Doris Education/financial need
Gehrls, Hugo from Iowa Falls, Business major, or both
Gilbert, Gwen Gohring Iowa student, min GPA of 3.0
Givens, Robert Wrestler with outstanding character
Glyer, Helen Fulltime, Soph, maintain 3.0 GPA
Granzow, Bill & Jean No Restrictions
Green Belt Bank & Trust (Spring Only) Financial Need. Hardin, Franklin, Grundy, or Wright Counties
GNB (Liberty Bank) Business/ Strong Academic
Hamilton, Andrew & Thelma Academic

Hamilton, Bob & Arlene


Separate application process. Agriculture majors, some Pre-Vet majors. If 17 Ag specific scholarships cannot be awarded, then Pre-Vet can be given to remaining available rewards.
Hamilton, Carl & Ruth Academic
Hamilton, Mark & Laura No Restrictions
Harris, Craig & Kristi No Restrictions
Harris, William & Judy No Restrictions
Hecht, Kenneth & Mary Academic
Henrich, Donald & Bonnie No Restrictions
Hill, Loudine Financial need; responsible; continuing education to pursue career requiring more than a 2 yr degree
Hodak, Greg Active duty or Veteran student's living expenses
Hoffman, Carol Sophomore student - need based
Hoffman, Gary & Karla No Restrictions
Hoversten, Dr. Paul & Rita No Restrictions
Howard Family (Marilyn) Sophomore with outstanding character.
Howard, Steve & Glenda Need
Hoy, Grace Nursing Dept. Selects
Huibsch, Joe & Gladys Preference to **Barnabus Uplift Program or a Nursing Student. **“Uplift” honors the work and commitment of secular organizations and groups as each works diligently alongside low-income Iowans providing opportunities that would lift them up. Together, Barnabas Uplift encourages individuals, families, and communities to become self-sufficient and to alleviate poverty in Iowa.
Iowa Falls Jaycees 2nd year, Non-Traditional
Jabusch, Henry Academic
Jennings Family (Rebecca) Athlete
Jiruska, David No Restrictions
Johnson, Max No Restrictions
Johnson, Reg Academic
Jones, Prof. Sheridan No Restrictions
Jorgensen, Jesse No Restrictions
Keller Sisters No Restrictions
Kessell, Arlene Preference to Fine Arts
King, Raymond Education; May be renewed
Klotz, Ruth No Restrictions
Koon, C.H. Selected by Provost
Kruse Family No Restrictions
Larson, Dick & Ruth Women's Basketball or Softball
Lloyd, Duane & Phyllis No Restrictions
Lund, D. Robert Soph. student, engineering with financial need
Lynk, Evelyn Graduate of Hardin County High School
Lynk, Herb Graduate of Hardin County High School
Maddox, Janet No Restrictions
Mason, Foster & Madeline Academic
Matthews, Liz-Leaders of Promise PTK Donor selected using National PTK Leaders
McCord, Robert & Lillian No Restrictions
McLeod Fisk, Helen Chosen by English Dept
McNemar, John & Marilyn No Restrictions
Meyer Family, William & Dorothy Sophomore in Agriculture
Meyer, Wilma, Esther, & Elmer Ag or Nursing, Financial need, renewable
Meyer, Esther Nursing Student
Miller, Darwin & Debra Sophomore in Agriculture
Miller, Ervin & Donna Sophomore in Social Sciences from a school district within 50 miles of ECC campus and financial need.
Miller, Richard Sophomore, Business
Newby, Roland & Oscarolia Men's Baseball
Newby, Sam Men's Basketball
Nichols, Ira & Irene HS graduate on basis of financial need & previous scholastic record.
Nissly, Jack - Trustee Funded Scholarship Ag Student
Nissly, Jack & MaryLou Freshman in Ag
Nissly, Mike & April Sophomore in Agriculture
Nissly, Roger & Cindy Sophomore in Agriculture
Ohrlund, Leon Sophomore - Iowa resident 1
Olson, Keith Swine Mgt or Animal Science Pre-Vet students. Based on financial need & academic achievement.
Oppold Lawless, Evelyn Chosen by Nursing Dept
Osborne, Samuel Teaching & Coaching Endowment Scholarship FT Status, Iowa HS Grad with preference to Hardin County grads w/GPA of 2.75 for greater.  Applying students need to write 1-2 page essay on regarding a Coach or Teacher who had a positive impact on their choice of a career in Coaching or Education. 
Paul, Harry Ag Student
Pat Clark Art Collection Art Major; will be a workship student in the foundation office
Pederson, Deone Academic
Pieper, Mary F. Healthcare Professional Endowment Scholarship FT Status, Iowa HS Grad with preference to Hardin County grads w/GPA of 2.75 for greater.  Applying students need to write 1-2 page essay on regarding a healthcare worker that had a positive impact on their choice of a career in healthcare.
Rabe, Gordan and Gretchen No Restrictions
Rabe, Joe & Lari Endowment Agri-business, Pre-Veterinary Medicine or Swine Managment
Randall, Clifton & Leila Financial Need
Rastetter, Bruce No Restrictions
Reber, Glo Equestrian Soph/Equine
Reece, Barry Student w/ fin hold preventing registration
Reed, Marvin No Restrictions
Richards, Jack Math dept. selects
Richtsmeier, James Preference to Sophomore in Ag program
Riverside Book & Bible Riverside employees' offspring
Rizvi Family 3.5 GPA or higher; outstanding character; strive for success
Roberts, Richard & Helen Interest in environment; Conservation Tech; unrestricted
Santee, Jean Good Student Athletes
Schager, Robert & Joyce No Restrictions
Senters, Jerry No Restrictions
Evelyn Schiller Nursing Endowment Nursing
Evelyn Schiller Sophomore Endowment Sophomore
Show, Ethel & Ray No Restrictions
Siems Family Endowment No Restrictions
Silverbowl Scholarship Football; renewable
Stockdale, Elmer & Gwen Academic
Stockdale, Raymond T & Katherine A Endowment Ag Student, Pre-Vet; Good student academically and good work ethic
Stockdale, Steve & Virgina Academic
Straatsma, Stan Academic
Strube, William Fire Science; Public Safety; Theology
Stucker, Verle & Marie No Restrictions
Surls, Jerry  Soph Pre-Mortuary Science
Thompson, Andrew No Restrictions
Thompson, Otis No Restrictions
Tordoff, Ida No Restrictions
Tracy, Lela Human Services
Tystahl, Eugene Athlete
Mike Virden Family Endowment Based on need
Warford, Glennon Athlete; Prefer Eng or Social St Maj
Weaver, Rocky & Christie Athlete
Weeks, Mary No Restrictions
Welch - Anonymous Financial Need, Iowa Student
Welchko, William Iowa Falls student in Business
Welden, Jerry & Sue Sophomore (2 non trad awards) Fin need
Welden, Robert & Eleanor Academic Scholarship; unrestricted
Welden, Todd Deserving students can be sent to the Saxony area for work study, formal classes, cultural exchange or other opportunities that might present themselves and German students can receive support for their studies at Ellsworth.
Wessels, DuWayne & Nancy Nursing Students
White, Max & Nellie Hardin or Franklin County Graduate
Whitehead, Morris No Restrictions 
Whitesell Family IF Grad; Law,Phar,The,Bus,Coach
Wubbena, Willis & Connie Academic; IF Grad; should be awarded to 2nd semester returning student.  
125th General Endowment No Restrictions


To learn more about the requirements for each of these scholarship categories, please click here. You can also contact the ECC Admissions Office for additional info on available opportunities!