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Graduation Information

Ellsworth Community College’s 2025 commencement ceremony is Friday, May 16, at 2:00 p.m. in the Martin Ellsworth Dittmer Gymnasium. The ceremony includes December 2024 graduates, as well as those who will complete their graduation requirements this May or during the summer of 2025. All qualified graduates are encouraged to participate.

ECC Commencement Ceremony Livestream

ECC's Commencement Ceremony will be livestreamed on Friday, May 16, at 2:00 PM.


Graduation Regalia

Candidates for graduation may pick up regalia (including cap, tassel, and gown) on Monday, April 28th and Tuesday, April 29th from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. in the Gentle Student Center. There is no cost for apparel. For the ceremony, please wear shoes and clothing appropriate for the occasion.

Students with a career total grade point average of 3.500 or higher who attend the ceremony will be given an honor cord when checking in prior to the ceremony.

May 16 Instructions for Graduates

There will not be an actual “rehearsal” before commencement. Graduates will check in the Dale Howard Family Activity Center Gymnasium before 1:30 pm and be given instructions for the procession. Please arrive early if you need to pick up honors cords. A staff member will assist you during the lineup process. Students arriving late may not be allowed to participate.

Designated staff will lead graduates into the Martin Ellsworth Dittmer Gymnasium promptly at 2:00 p.m. and direct them to the appropriate seats. Students should continue to stand after the processional music stops. Men should remove their mortarboards (graduation caps) and keep them off during the National Anthem.

During the processional and ceremony, tassels should be worn on the right side of the mortarboard. You will be directed to stand to confer the degrees. After the appropriate remarks, graduates will be directed to the right side of the stage, where each graduate will hand his or her name card to the reader and wait for his/her name to be called before crossing the stage. Following awarding of degrees and diplomas, students will be directed to move their tassels to the left side.

Guest Seating

Seats are available on a first-come, first-served basis. There is no reserved seating for families and guests. Guests are encouraged to enter the Martin Ellsworth Dittmer Gymnasium through the east entrance on River Street.


A reception for all graduates, their families, and friends will be held immediately following the ceremony in the Dale Howard Family Activity Center Cafe. Please ask all family members and guests to celebrate with you there.

Degree Conferral & Diploma Mailing

Degrees will be conferred and diplomas will be mailed 2-3 weeks after commencement or after the student’s last class has been completed for December or Summer graduates. The diploma packet will be mailed to the address of the student listed on their graduation application.

Transcript Information

Students that are transferring to a college or university after graduation will need to send an official transcript. You can click here for instructions on how to request your transcripts. ECC offers easy and convenient online transcript ordering through the National Student Clearinghouse. You can request your transcripts to be sent immediately, at the end of term, or hold for a degree. Official transcripts will be released when all financial obligations with the College have been met. Students can print a copy of their unofficial transcript by logging into PawPass.

If you have any questions, please reach out to Director of Student Success/Registrar Tracy Crippin-Haake.