Your Student’s College Career Can Begin Before Graduation
Your students can begin their college career while they are still walking the halls in your high school. By taking concurrent enrollment classes through Ellsworth Community College and Marshalltown Community College, your students have a competitive advantage in their next phase in life. Not only can they get a head start on their college career, but they can also save their tuition dollars in the process!
We’ve developed these resources to help you communicate with students and parents about the incredible opportunity they have now. If you find these resources helpful, please feel free to download and customize them for your school. Looking for resources that aren’t in this toolkit? Contact and we will assist in finding the right tools for your school.
In this toolkit, you will find:
- Fliers
- Email Templates
- Social Media & Texts (if you use a texting platform to communicate)
- Sample social media posts that you can use on your school’s social media accounts
(Graphics are included or each social post. Just right click and save to your computer)
- Sample social media posts that you can use on your school’s social media accounts
- Canvas login instructions to share with your students