High School

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Ellsworth Community College (ECC) partners with local school districts to offer opportunities for high school students to enroll part-time in college-level courses. Credits earned through these partnerships count toward a student’s high school diploma AND their future college degree – all at NO COST to you or your family!

Most classes can be taken either at Ellsworth Community College (ECC), at a partnering school, or online. There are many ways for area students to get a jump start on their college degree with us.

Your best first step will be to talk to your high school counselor. They’ll take you through important information and make sure you meet all necessary requirements – you may have to be a certain age or have taken an entrance test.

Our courses fit into a variety of different programs and will transfer to most colleges, including guaranteed transfers to the University of Iowa, Iowa State, and the University of Northern Iowa.


Real-world Experience

Primarily designed for high school juniors and seniors, Career Academy programs focus on career exploration while also aligning with industry workforce needs.  Students can even earn industry-recognized certificates for immediate employment opportunities.

Big Costs Savings

Dual-enrolled students earn both high school and college credit at NO COST to them or their families? Last year alone, families saved over $2 million in college tuition by earning college credit in high school.

According to a recent research, students entering college with prior college credit have:

  • Higher grade point averages their first semester and year
  • High graduation rates
  • Graduate in less time than students without prior college credit
  • Change majors less than students without prior college credit
  • Add minors and second major more than students without prior college credit

It’s common for students and parents to have questions about earning college credit in high school. Your best resource will be your high school counselor, as well as Craig Juilfs, Dean of Enrollment, at Ellsworth Community College (ECC).

Phone1-641-648-4611 or toll-free 800-322-9235
Fax: 641-648-3128

Office: Gentle Student Center, 2nd Floor (see our Campus Map for details; our front door is facing the bell tower on the main campus).
Address: 1100 College Avenue, Iowa Falls, IA 50126


Most high schools offer onsite Concurrent Enrollment Program (CEP) courses at:

These courses are taught by CEP adjunct instructors (high school teachers that meet ECC qualifications and approval to teach college curriculum).  Our CEP program is nationally accredited by the National Alliance of Concurrent Enrollment Partnerships (NACEP).


Are dual credits part of your four-year high school plan? Students who start planning early in high school will have more options later. Start talking with your high school counselor now, and check out the Four-Year High School Plan outlined below:

How to Enroll for Dual Credit – The high school must approve your enrollment in dual credit classes. Complete the registration process through your high school guidance office. A student may also opt to self-pay for courses during interims or for other reasons. Submit the High School Student Registration/Application Form, indicating “self-pay” as the class type.